The Tiny Berry with Huge Health Benefits
All the nutritional benefits of nature's perfect food. The ideal supplement for those who want to give their body the best. Perfect Açaí is whole food açaí, never an extract. Simply pure açaí in its most perfect form.

Perfect for You...
The reason there are so many health claims attributed to açai is because there are so many nutrients found within these miraculous berries.
- Essential Vitamins and Minerals - Including Iron and Calcium
- Omega 3, 6 and 9
- 10 times the antioxidant power of red grapes
- Double the antioxidant power of blueberries
- 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine
- Dietary Fiber
- Amino Acids
- Increases energy
- Anti-inflammatory
- Enhances immune systems
- Promotes healthy skin
- Improves libido
- Aids weight loss
- Promotes healthy sleep
Perfect for the Planet...
At Perfect Supplements, our açai products are made exclusively from freeze-dried açaí powder supplied by EarthFruits, a leader in certified organic açaí. You'll also have the satisfaction of knowing that all of the açaí found in our products has been fairly traded and sustainably harvested to help support the economic health of the local population. No açai trees were damaged in its production, and the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest profit more from harvesting the berries than they would by chopping down the trees for lumber. Earth Fruits is also a socially-responsible organization, donating time and resources to the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest.
The Perfect Supplement Solution
You can't find a better acai supplement than Perfect Acai. Our açaí is freeze-dried within 18 hours of being picked from the trees of the Amazon. The patented freeze-drying technique uses no drying agents and ensures that the unique and wonderful health properties of the açaí berry are fully captured. What goes into a Perfect Supplement is important, but equally important is what never goes into it:
- No fillers or flowing agents - just 100% freeze-dried organic açai
- No sugar, animal products, yeast, wheat, gluten, maltodextrin, artificial coloring or artificial flavoring
- Vegetable Capsules - no gelatin
- No toxic pesticides
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Perfect Acai Articles
» Acai Berry Overview» Acai Berry Health Benefits
» Acai Berry Diet
» Acai Berry Scams
» Acai Berry Side Effects
» Acai Berry Supplier
» Freeze-Dried Acai Berry