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The Acai Berry is a small fruit that grows in the Amazon Rainforest. While the Acai berry may be small, it packs an explosive nutritional punch. Acai is one of the highest rated antioxidant fruits in the world. Acai berry has been named the #1 Superfood in the world due to its incredible nutritional profile. While fresh Acai Berries have incredible nutrients, the challenge has been making the highly perishable Acai available to people outside the Amazon Rainforest - until now...
Introducing the Perfect Acai Line of Supplements...
Perfect Acai supplements are made exclusively from sustainable fairly traded organic Acai. Your purchase helps to protect the Amazon rainforest and the indigenous people of the Amazon. Fairly Traded means that the locals are paid a fair wage for harvesting the Acai Berries. Our Acai Berry Supplier is helping to save the rainforest. It is more profitable for locals to maintain the trees in the Amazon Rainforest than it is to chop down the trees and sell the wood.
Our Acai Berry Supplier works with the local Co-ops who are located in the heart of the acai harvesting region so they are able to freeze the berries within 12 - 18 hours after harvesting. The patented freeze-drying technique uses no drying agents and ensures that the unique and wonderful health properties of the Acai Berry are fully captured.
What goes into a Perfect Supplement is important, but equally important is what never goes into it. We use NO FILLERS or FLOWING AGENTS in any of our products. You will NOT see things like magnesium stearate, silica or rice in our products. Just pure Acai in a capsule or in a scoopable acai powder.
Nature made the perfect food in the Acai Berry, we made the
perfect supplement Perfect Acai Click Here to Purchase
Perfect Acai Articles
» Acai Berry Overview» Acai Berry Health Benefits
» Acai Berry Diet
» Acai Berry Scams
» Acai Berry Side Effects
» Acai Berry Supplier
» Freeze-Dried Acai Berry
Why No Free Trials?
There are thousands of web sites advertising a free-trial bottle of Acai. BEWARE of that word FREE.
Click here to learn why...Does Acai Berry have any Side Effects?
In short, No! Freeze-dried organic acai Berry does not have any side effects. But Acai Berry Supplements may...
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